In motion: large Zinis, Kipsters, mahjong tote and tile bag sets, Raccoons, Tootsies, Matties.
In the planning stage: large Kipsters, Alpacas, Rackers, Supa Dupa mahjong sets, deluxe mahjong sets, Foxes.
Contact me to place a custom order, ask for help, or receive a "newly in stock" email for mahjong sets.
Only Colorado residents pay sales tax!
Shipping Costs
I find the shipping options of the shopping cart somewhat limiting. I can only have four options. (Remember, I like options, 100's and 100's of fabrics etc!)
I suggest going with first class for the least expensive items, and priority when you hit the $45 range. Please feel free to contact me and ask for a true shipping rate. I'm happy to do that, and bill you direct, especially international orders.